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    About Time for a Chinese

Chinese Chain in Alabama [On The Road: Huntsville]

Most of our options to eat in Huntsville were nearby the hotel, a small mall with a couple restaurants most of them chains, one of the usual suspects was P.F. Chang’s. I'm not a big fan of chains or franchises, but have to say the story is remarkable. Philip Chiang moved with his mother Cecilia Chiang to San Francisco in the 60s. She opened The Mandarin, an upscale widely known place, Philip took place of the Beverly Hills branch, and got caught in the business, as a result he opened the Mandarette, simplifying the concept, smaller, café style, small dishes. One loyal costumer of the Mandarette was restaurateur Paul Fleming, who after moving to Arizona convinced Chiang to help him open a Chinese place there. The combination was the simplified Chinese cuisine Chiang created with American style service, wine list, and desert menu. As a result in 1993 P.F. Chiang opened for business in Scottsdale Shopping Mall now there are more than 200 places worldwide. 

The place
White horse
I went a couple times, the food is decent enough, I still prefer independent more traditional places, that remain truth to their traditional style and cuisine. As started got the crab wontons, they were nice, crispy, nice filling. Steamed dumplings ok. Then the Chang’s spicy chicken, nice sweet and sour. Singapore street noodles, good flavour, traditional take. Ahi tuna wasabi salad, the tuna wasn’t fresh, the flavour was ok. And finally the pepper steak, was nice, good flavour, the sauce a bit thick and gummy, but overall a nice dish. 

Ahi tuna
Food is ok, decent enough, but I’m sure I would enjoy much more the unique and traditional Mandarette rather than the impersonal P.F. Chang even when the menu was created by the same person. 

Chang reminds me the Seinfeld episode “The Chinese Woman” 

Donna: Jerry 
Jerry: excuse me? 
Donna: Hi, sorry I'm late 
Jerry: Who're you? 
Donna: I'm Donna Chang 
Jerry: What do you mean? 
Donna: I mean, I'm Donna Chang. 
Jerry: You're Donna Chang? 
Donna: Did you think I was Chinese? 
Jerry: Oh, no! Oh, you mean because of the Chang? 
Donna: Actually, the family name wasn't originally Chang 
Jerry: I didn't think so 
Donna: It used to be Changstein

P.F. Chang
T: +1 256 327 8320
Chinese Cuisine
Approx Damage: $40pp
Twitter: PFChangs
P.F. Chang's China Bistro on Urbanspoon

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