Previously on The Blog About Nothing... in London!

  • stamaria Santa Maria
    Best Pizza in London
  • tapcoffee Tap Coffee
    Coffee time in Warren St
  • exmouthespresso Bean Review
    Exmouth Espresso Blend
  • kurobuta Kurobuta
    Japanese Tapas
  • oddonos Oddono's
    Gelato in Chiswick
  • smokehouse Smokehouse
    Mouthwatering Burgers and BBQ
  • firehouse No 197 Fire Station
    Complete disaster
  • irisandjune Iris & June
    Independent Coffee Shop in Victoria
  • coffeeguide The Not Official London Coffee Guide
    Humble take on the independent scene
  • dumdum Dum Dum Donutterie
    They don't have Cronuts but they do Cros
  • bonanza Bean Review
    Bonanza's Espresso Blend
  • moo Moo Cantina
    Lomito Time
  • chorbizarre Chor Bizarre
    Restaurant with personality
  • squaremilebelen Bean Review
    Square Mile's Belen Espresso
  • ottolenghi Ottolenghi
    Not as good as usual!
  • quantus Quantus
    European cuisine in Chiswick
  • pearlliang Pearl Liang
    About Time for a Chinese

The Czech Cachito [On The Run: Houston]

I went to Houston for work and what was my surprise to discover a Czech delicacy. They call it Kolaches but they are actually Klobasnek, and in Venezuela the similar thing it’s a Cachito. A Savory baked pastry, yeast rolls prepared with a sweet dough, filled with ham, cheese, eggs, sausages, and/or jalapeños. 

Kolache Factory
The ones with sausages are similar to what we call in the UK a sausage roll. I tried most of them, the ham and cheese is exactly as a Venezuelan cachito with the difference it comes in a round shape. Great flavour, and perfect for breakfast. 

Take away time
The place to go to have them is Kolache Factory, a franchise with 21 shops in Houston and many more around the US. I got a couple orders for take away, great treats for breakfast. 

The breakfast Kolache
The Ham One
Pastry reminds me the Seinfeld episode “The Summer of George” 

Jerry: No, you had a good run. Took them to the World Series
George: I got to give the players most of the credit for that
Jerry: Don't sell yourself short. You made all the flight arrangements, hotels, busses
George: No, I don't know who was doing that
Jerry: So, when you actually did work, what it was that you did?
George: They had a pastry cart you wouldn't believe

Kolache Factory
T: +1 281 920 4205
Approx Damage: $10pp
Area: Energy Corridor
Twitter: KolacheFactory
Kolache Factory on Urbanspoon

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